Are You Prepared For A Dental Emergency?

ACCIDENTS ALWAYS SEEM to happen when we least expect them. When those accidents involve tooth damage, it’s important to know what steps to take. Being prepared before a dental emergency occurs can save a damaged or knocked out tooth, prevent infection and decrease the need for extensive treatment. Step One: Find Your Dental Home The […]

Dental Emergency? We Should Know These Facts

What to do in a dental emergency If you manage to get your tooth knocked out, here’s what you need to do. In an emergency situation, it is important to keep calm and take steps to ease pain and prevent further damage. Familiarize yourself with what to do in the following common dental emergency scenarios: Knocked out […]

What to Expect with a Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is a medical procedure that involves pulling out a tooth. As much as we hate it, sometimes, there’s no other way but to have your tooth extracted. In fact, from badly damaged or rotted teeth to infections, there are a number of reasons that may lead you to tooth extraction. However, while it may be […]